Updated June 9, 2020
As our community starts to open up, we at Greece OBGYN will continue to take necessary precautions to keep our patients safe in light of COVID-19. We are now seeing routine annuals in the office so please call to make your appointment. We will be utilizing the waiting room as little as possible in order to maintain social distancing precautions. We ask you to PLEASE wear a mask before entering the building and our entire staff will also be wearing masks. We are still asking patients to come alone to your appointment and have your loved ones stay in the car if they are giving you a ride.
IMPORTANT: If you or someone in your household is showing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath) please stay at home and contact our office to discuss your symptoms with our nurse. How to tell if you have COVID-19.
We have launched telemedicine! By meeting with patients over the phone or by video we have the opportunity to continue our exceptional care while keeping you safe from exposure to COVID-19. If you have any concerns about of the following, call to setup a telemedicine appointment:
- Vaginal discharge
- Irregular or heavy periods
- Birth control
- Urinary incontinence
- Postmenopausal bleeding
- Think you may be newly pregnant
Please note, your insurance company has likely waived all co-pays for these visits during this COVID crisis.
What you can do to keep yourself safe and healthy per the CDC guidelines:
- Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
- You can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if no soap and water is available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Stay home when you are sick to protect yourself, coworkers, and others with whom you come in contact.
- Cover your cough or sneeze.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Avoid unnecessary travel, especially air travel and cruises.
- Avoid crowds and events with more than 10 people.
For the most updated information about COVID-19, please visit the Center for Disease Control website at cdc.gov.
If you have general COVID 19 related questions, these numbers are available for you. 585-922-INFO (RRH COVID info) or 888-364-3065 (NYDOS Hotline).
Monday — 9am to 2pm
Tuesday — 9am to 2pm
Wednesday — 9am to 2pm
Thursday — 9am to 2pm